On April 13, 2019, the Natural History Society guided a bird walk focusing on birdsong. Expert naturalists Ken Wilson and Dave Rugh led an exhilarating outing, and taught us to recognize some of our common birds by their songs. They shared insights on the functions and ecology of birdsong, and enhanced our listening skills and appreciation of beautiful spring mornings.
We walked through the North Beach neighborhood, mostly on level ground with some small hills. We dressed in layers, and brought binoculars and field guides.
On January 4, 2019, the Natural History Society led a winter hike at Ebey’s Landing on Whidbey Island. Named after the first European settler on Whidbey, Ebey’s Landing is comprised of state, national, and private parcels totaling 17,400 acres. We walked across fields to golden bluffs that tower above the surf, then dropped down (a bit steeply) to wander along a beautiful beach and gaze at the snowcapped Olympic Mountains.
Nereocystis luetkeana (Bull Kelp)
We took the ferry and began at the Prairie Overlook for a 5.2-mile lollipop loop-hike with about 300 feet of elevation gain and loss.
On January 25, 2019, the Natural History Society guided a four-mile walk between North Beach and Middlepoint through the Quimper Wildlife Corridor (QWC). The QWC is a conservation partnership led by Jefferson Land Trust. Lands within the corridor are owned and protected by the Land Trust, the state, county, city, and private landowners.
Licorice Ferns
According to Sarah Spaeth at the Land Trust, QWC “is important for managing storm-water and keeping our local water clean. It also creates an urban wildlife refuge that provides natural habitat and safe passage for mammals, birds, and amphibians. For Port Townsend’s growing population, it provides open space and recreational trails.” Lee at JLTnatural@saveland.org provided details.
On May 17, 2018, the Natural History Society sponsored a two-part day of birds and beaches at North Beach, first experiencing songbirds and then exploring the intertidal zone during a minus tide. All were welcome to join one part or both!
Naturalist extraordinaire Ken Wilson led an enjoyable two-hour saunter in the North Beach neighborhood and adjacent Chinese Gardens Lagoon (Fort Worden) to closely observe and interpret the spring activity of our common songbirds as they establish their breeding territories. He also taught us some easy ways to identify birds by their songs.
Beginning at 11:00 am, beach naturalists Nan Evans and Wendy Feltham led a two-hour search for marine invertebrates, such as nudibranchs, crabs, anemones, and chitons.
We suggested bringing cameras, binoculars, field guides, appropriate footwear and clothing, and your lunch. Eileen at JLTnatural@saveland.org was the contact for any questions.