Tag Archives: Fort Flagler

Fort Flagler Hike and Picnic

On August 18, 2016, all were welcome to join the Natural History Society for a summer hike at Fort Flagler State Park on Marrowstone Island.
Gull landingWe hiked the five-mile loop along the beach and back through the forest. We were back in Port Townsend by early afternoon. A minus tide that morning allowed us to explore the rocky, slippery intertidal zone, and head down the beach.




We recommended: shoes with rugged soles that can get wet; dressing in layers for changing weather; field guides to plants, birds, marine invertebrates or insects; binoculars;  and food and water. There was no limit to the size of the group.

Pat at jltnatural@saveland.org was the contact for carpool information and other details.