Explore Miller Peninsula
On September 10, 2018, the Natural History Society led a hike through a lush ravine to a remote beach on the Strait of Juan de Fuca. This is a 7.7-mile walk with 590’ of elevation change on the Miller Peninsula off of Diamond Point Road near Sequim.
We arrived at the beach in time to explore the spit during a minus tide, and enjoy lunch and views of Protection Island.
Michele at JLTnatural@saveland.org was the contact person for trip details and carpool arrangements. Non-drivers paid $3 for gas.
An Insect Afternoon

Harpaphe haydeniana (Yellow-spotted millipede)
Entomologist Richard Lewis joined the Natural History Society on September 22, 2018, for a two-mile insect exploration around Gibbs Lake. We walked through an evergreen forest, beside the lake, and into areas of understory growth and deciduous trees, which all provide habitat for different insects.
Richard caught and identified insects in/under fallen wood, flying around, in the water, and on trees/leaves. He found common insects like beetles, butterflies, ants, bees, wasps, dragonflies, and flies, as well as lesser known springtails, crane flies, and water bugs. We also looked for signs of insects, discussed insect biology, morphology, and diversity, and the role insects play in forest health.

Rhionaeschna multicolor (Blue-eyed Darner) dragonfly
Richard Lewis has a bachelor’s degree in Entomology from the University of Delaware and a master’s from WSU. He works part time with WSU extension doing talks, insect ID’s, and raising honey bees.
Lee at JLTnatural@saveland.org organized carpools. Non-drivers paid $2 for gas.