Observe ducks and geese at Gardiner Lagoon

American wigeon

American wigeon

Bring your scopes, binoculars, cameras and field guides to the Gardiner Lagoon – a favorite overwintering site for a variety of ducks and geese. Join naturalist Kathe Cook at 9:00 am on Tuesday, February 11 to observe a variety of ducks, geese, Killdeer, and other birds at a lagoon Kathe knows well. This is a good year for seeing our winter visitors: good sized flocks and good diversity. We’ll look to the south to see what’s on the lagoon and north to see what’s on Discovery Bay. The terrain is easy, so wear comfortable shoes and dress for winter weather.

Drive west on SR101 and turn right onto Gardiner Beach Road. (If you pass the Wild Bird Store, you’ve gone a bit too far.) Turn left into the parking area at the bottom of the hill.
To RSVP and for more information, please contact Kathe at jltnatural@saveland.org