Paddle-tailed Darner (Aeshna palmata)
On June 15, 2019, the Natural History Society spent a summer afternoon exploring insects at the Land Trust’s Illahee Preserve. Entomologist Richard Lewis led us on a short hike to look in open space, clearings, forest edges, the forest, and aquatic environments.

Tribe Chironomini
A member of Non-biting Midges Family Chironomidae
Richard told us about insects and their role in the natural world. He discussed the different types of insects we find here and their life histories and roles in nature. Richard introduced a variety of sampling techniques including sweep nets, aerial nets, aquatic nets, traps, and beat trays. In each area we looked for and discussed evidence of insects such as feeding damage, nests, tracks, and prey.

Harpaphe haydeniana (Yellow-spotted millipede)
Nan at JLTnatural@saveland.org arranged meeting time and place, what to bring, and additional information.