by Wendy Feltham
Chinese Gardens Lagoon is one of the jewels of Port Townsend. Surrounded by a beach, a forest, and farmland, this lagoon is home to resident and migratory birds. I walk around this lagoon often, seeking the birds that make this area their home— Great Blue Herons, Mallards, Bald Eagles, and Spotted Towhees.

The lagoon changes with the seasons. In winter, many ducks, including Hooded Mergansers, Green-winged Teals, and Northern Shovelers, find food and safety from hunters here. Yellow-rumped Warblers thrive in the Wax Myrtle shrubs. In summer three swallow species swoop along the water’s edge. Savannah Sparrows nest in the grasslands that Ft. Worden State Park won’t mow until the young have fledged.

Recently I’ve noticed Double-crested Cormorants resting on the old pilings, especially those at the far corner where people can’t approach. I’ve watched herons and mergansers catch Three-spined Sticklebacks, and lately even huge Pacific Staghorn Sculpins.

A few years ago Ft. Worden State Park and the Friends of Ft. Worden created the Chinese Gardens Interpretive Trail, with signage by painter Larry Eifert. This project highlights the wildlife as well as the historical use of this area, which was part of a series of wetlands and ponds used by Tribes and Chinese families: